隨著中國近年改革開放、商機滿現,金朝陽集團之專業管理層,積極掌握機遇,為集團訂立多元發展策略;特別在開發內地房地產業務上,更屢獲佳績。成功開發之項目包括;『珠海‧山水恆源』、『珠海‧龍鳳春曉』、『漳州‧領都』、『珠海‧譽名都』、『肇慶‧尚薈海岸』之商住項目。 金朝陽集團定將承先啟後,秉持審慎之投資態度,繼續積極尋求合適之地產投資發展項目。
Mainland Properties Development
Following the opening up of China in recent decades, business opportunities abound on the mainland. In a proactive manner, the professionals in our management team have seized the day to formulate a diversified development strategy. In particular, we have made great achievements in our real estate business in Mainland China. The projects we have successfully completed include “Long Feng Chun Xiao”(龍鳳春曉),  “Shan Shui Heng Yuan” (山水恆源) , “Grand Capital” (譽名都) in Zhuhai a commercial and residential complex “Ling Du” (金朝陽.領都) in Zhang Zhou, Fujian. And a commercial and residential complex “Vogue Villa”(尚薈海岸)in Zhao Qing. Going forward, we will carry on our success with a prudent investment approach as we continue to actively look for the right opportunities for our new property investment and development projects.